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Drop In Classes

*Pre-Requisite of Puppy Kindergarten, Basic Obedience or Test Out Required *


Drop in classes are the perfect way to stay on top of your pets training and try new things on a flexible schedule. Each week several drop in classes are offered. Each class is focused on a particular topic. Once you've completed the pre-requisites you will have access to registrations for drop ins from the portal.

Leash Walking

Continue working on loose leash walking and behaviors while on leash

Basic Agility

Practice basic agility skills learned in Agility 101

*Agility 101 required*

Scent work

Get that sniffer working! Learn the basics of scent work.

E Collar 

Learn the proper method and applications for E Collar Training.

Off Leash

Learn to communicate with your pet off leash and work on recall

Trick Training

Teaching your pet fun new tricks is a great way to bond with them!


Couch potato? Exercise your dog to work on fitness, stamina and balance. 

Barn Hunt

Introduce your sniffer to barn hunt! Sus out rats in the hay. 


Reinforce obedience skills learned in the 6 week course, refresher


Learn how to properly introduce your pet to new dogs and people

Crate Training

Trouble with crate training? Learn ways to get your pet on board and comf


Does your dog dip out when off leash? Practice a recall so they always come back. 

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