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Obedience Group Classes

No matter your pets breed, age or training level, obedience classes are a great way to bond with your pet, refresh their skills, and ensure you and your furry companion are enjoying life to the fullest. Classes are maxed at 8 students and run for 6 weeks. 


Kindergarten (12 weeks to 6 months)

Our Puppy Obedience Class is perfect for young pups eager to start their journey toward becoming well-mannered adults. Tailored for puppies aged 12 weeks to 6 months, this class focuses on foundational skills and socialization to ensure your furry friend grows up to be a confident and obedient companion. What You'll Learn:

Basic Commands: Sit, Stay, Come, Down, and Leave It

Leash Training: Walking politely on a leash, loose-leash walking techniques

Socialization: Positive interactions with other dogs and people, exposure to various environments and stimuli

Household Manners: Crate training, potty training basics, and managing chewing

Basic Obedience (6 months and older)

Basic Obedience Class is perfect for dogs of any breed or age eager to start their journey toward becoming well-mannered adults. This class focuses on foundational skills and socialization to help your furry friend be a confident and obedient companion. What You'll Learn:

Basic Commands: Sit, Stay, Come, Down, and Leave It

Leash Training: Walking politely on a leash, loose-leash walking techniques

Socialization: Positive interactions with other dogs and people, exposure to various environments and stimuli


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